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Don’t Leave The Door To Your WordPress Website Open

Don’t Leave The Door To Your WordPress Website Open

Treat your WordPress website like your home or car, making sure at all times that the doors are locked and the alarm system is working.

If you’re driving a nice car, it may be worth investing in a GPS tracker too.

One of our team members here recently moved into a new home and received a ring video doorbell as a present. He is able to see who’s ringing and the device even alerts him when it detects a motion. That’s a bit like malware detection tech.

There are plenty of options to keep your WordPress instance secure, which is what we are talking about here on the WP Hosting Blog this month. Starting with our Don’t Try To Remember Your Password, Remember A Single Password Algorithm Instead piece that explains how a simple formula can help you set up complex passwords, and effortlessly remember them.

Verify that your hosting provider has a rock-solid strategy for protecting your data. Our customers can rest assured that our security and backup techs and processes are enterprise-grade — we have a very good track record with this since we started in 2008.

Consider this: There are more risks exist at the application level than with the infrastructure your WordPress instance is hosted on.

Take action:

  • Secure WordPress with additional plugins and third-party services.
  • Follow security practices. For example, don’t share your admin password with a developer.
  • Get some monitoring tools in place.
  • Have a backup plan independent from your host, including a process to recover from a disaster ASAP.

If you are a big organisation, create a team to look after security and data privacy policies — that nothing is being compromised.

If you are a small operator, put a plan together. Sit down and figure out what the risks are and what you need to do to mitigate them. Invest in third-party solutions that have proven their value.

Over the course of the month, we’ll be publishing more contents related to WordPress security. So, keep an eye out here and sign up to receive our monthly newsletter, featuring the links to all our contents.

About the author

Lawrence is Marketing Manager at WP Hosting, a father of two, half Italian, half Australian and half Hungarian, AS Roma fan, keen futsal player and addicted to popcorn.

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