WP Hosting Blog

Best practice WordPress hosting, development and management

2019-08-18T17:32:56+00:00 June 26th, 2019|Newsroom|By WP Hosting Editor|

We Are Sponsoring WordCamp Brisbane 2019: See You There?

We’re proud to the participating as Silver Sponsors — look out for our stand and come and say hello

We had a blast in WordCamp Sydney last year and are looking forward to meeting fellow WordPress fans again. More of our team will be coming too.

Are you planning to come? If you haven’t been before this should tempt you: check out the write-up and photos by one of our agency partners, Duosista, took at WordCamp Brisbane last year. There are links to some of the presentations too.

Brisbane lives and breathes WordPress

A *lot* of WordPress devs and agencies live in and around Brisbane so you can expect high attendance and a great vibe. The organisers will, no doubt, arrange some good coffee and food and then there is the after party, which have become legendary (to those that actually remember them).

There will be plenty of interesting talks – more than you can attend, so best to pick and choose ahead of time to avoid being torn between conference rooms at the very last minute. Some of the speakers have already been announced, including:

  • Kate Toon – You should really know who she is. If not, go see her preso!
  • Tony Cosentino – A WordCamp regular, digital expert and someone you can ask about the art of Podcasting
  • Ganga Kafle – Theme review lead in the WordPress Theme Review team and Co-Founder of Template Sell based in Nepal

If you’re one of our customers or agency partners let us know if you’re coming by email or in a comment below. Good to have a chat. If you’re not a customer… it’s easy to become one :)

Where is it been held?

They have chosen a very nice location:  QUT (Queensland University of Technology) in Brisbane’s CBD, between the river and the botanic gardens. Head over to the WCBNE 2019 website for more location info and a map.

Registration is open

Tickets are priced at $50 for both days – you can purchase them here.

Are you an agency?

Come and talk to us about our WP Hosting for Agencies program and how you can offer rock-solid WordPress hosting without all the hassles of servicing your customers.