Using ‘WP Mail SMTP’ by WPForms This topic covers processes relating to a cPanel service.You will need to be logged into the cPanel account to follow the steps. If you’re not sure how to access your cPanel service — please,...
How to add block/allow list for cPanel-hosted email All of our WP Hosting web hosting packages include basic spam filtering features for cPanel-hosted email addresses. The steps in this guide will show how to create block and/or allow lists for cPanel-hosted email...
If you’re looking to fix webmail display issues, you’ve come to the right place. When using Cloudflare nameservers or proxying services, the WebMail/Roundcube interface for cPanel hosted email can sometimes display incorrectly. If you find that your cPanel-hosted email doesn’t...
When configuring your email settings, you may encounter issues with ISPs/Outgoing Mail Servers. Some ISPs block SMTP port 25, which can prevent your email software from connecting properly. If your ISP blocks port 25, you will need to use your...
At WP Hosting, we enforce a limit of 200 outbound emails per hour for every hosting account. This policy protects our network from abuse and stops our IP addresses from landing on blacklists. Blacklisted IPs disrupt email delivery for all...
SPF, DKIM, and DMARC are three key technologies used in email to verify the sender’s identity and reduce spam and phishing. SPF (Sender Policy Framework): Imagine you have a list of trusted friends who can send letters from your house....
Log into Webmail / Roundcube Webmail (sometimes referred to as ‘Roundcube’) is a web-based email application. For cPanel-hosted email addresses, Webmail (Rouncube) can be used to access your inbox from any device with a web browser, connected to the internet,...
Enable signatures in WebMail / Roundcube Please Note: This guide is specific to the WebMail / Roundcube interface for cPanel-hosted email accounts. If you use a 3rd party email app, such as Outlook or Mac Mail, you will need to configure...
Why perform an email blacklist check? When you perform an email blacklist check, you evaluate whether your mail server’s IP address appears on a block list for sending spam. A Registered Block List (RBL) actively collects and catalogues information about...
This article describes the process by which you would configure email access using IMAP through Outlook on a Microsoft Windows device. The will need to have an email address already ready for use, so if not then check out this article...