How to use SFTP (Secure FTP) To access the files on your Enterprise hosting service remotely, you can connect via SFTP, a more secure alternative to FTP (FTP is not enabled by default). You’ll first need to create SSH users...
Any seasoned WordPress developer or reputable hosting provider when asked for tips on improving the speed of your website will tell you, the number 1 thing that you must check is: Do I have caching enabled on my website? If...
How to add block/allow list for cPanel-hosted email All of our WP Hosting web hosting packages include basic spam filtering features for cPanel-hosted email addresses. The steps in this guide will show how to create block and/or allow lists for cPanel-hosted email...
When installing custom plugins and themes quite often the developer will require you to set custom (increased) limits for common PHP environment variables such as; To update any of these settings follow these steps: 3. Select public_html 4. Use the +File button...
Two-Factor Authentication means you need two things to log in: your password and a code from the app. This code changes regularly, so you must have both your password and the correct code to access WHM. Before you can turn on Two-Factor Authentication for a user, they...
If you’re looking to fix webmail display issues, you’ve come to the right place. When using Cloudflare nameservers or proxying services, the WebMail/Roundcube interface for cPanel hosted email can sometimes display incorrectly. If you find that your cPanel-hosted email doesn’t...
This topic covers processes requiring access to your WP Hosting Client Area. If you’re not sure how to access the Client Area, please follow this guide before continuing – How do I Login to my WP Hosting Client Area? Logging into...
Find credentials to access WHM on your dedicated server This topic covers processes requiring access to your WP Hosting Client Area. If you’re unsure how to access the Client Area, please follow this guide before continuing – How do I Login...
Log into Webmail / Roundcube Webmail (sometimes referred to as ‘Roundcube’) is a web-based email application. For cPanel-hosted email addresses, Webmail (Rouncube) can be used to access your inbox from any device with a web browser, connected to the internet,...
This topic covers processes relating to a cPanel service.You will need to be logged into the cPanel account to follow these steps.If you’re not sure how to access your cPanel service — please, follow this guidebefore continuing: How do I login...