WP Hosting Blog

Best practice WordPress hosting, development and management

2019-07-30T13:29:52+00:00 July 30th, 2019|Our Community|By WP Hosting Editor|

Elementor Gold Coast Meetup: Learn How to Build a Marketing Funnel

Marlon Marescia will be leading a workshop demonstrating how to build marketing funnels with Elementor

Marlon is a Facebook Ad Strategist and Elementor user, and will be showing you how to set up all the elements you need to generate leads so that you don’t have to use another platform for achieving the same  (and saving time and money in the process).

This is a hands-on event — attendees are invited to bring their laptops and work on their own funnels during the workshop.

The event agenda is as follows:

  • 6 pm – Doors Open, pre-event networking
  • 6.30 pm – Kickoff, please quietly enter if we’ve all taken a seat!
  • 8:00 – pm wrapping up by 8 pm

The Meetup is co-organised by Michael Viller (aka Mick the WP Mentor) who will be more than happy to answer any questions you have.

Related to this, WordCamp Brisbane 2019 is being held at the end of August. We are attending as sponsors and would love to see you there.

Event details

  • Date and time: Thursday, August 15, 2019 – From 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM
  • Location: Gold Coast Training College, 55 Nerang St · Labrador
  • Registration: Meetup Page
  • Facebook Group: Elementor Lovers Australia