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How to update your account profile, user details and additional contacts

As part of our account security and privacy policies, changes to customer account details must be client-initiated from within the WP Hosting Client Area and cannot be made directly by support staff. 

PLEASE NOTE: To update account information, you will first need to log into your WP Hosting Client Area – If you’re not sure how to access the Client Area, please follow this guide before continuing – How do I Login to my WP Hosting Client Area?

Please also note that an account can have more than one user, so it’s important to remember that ‘Account Details‘ and ‘User Details‘ are separate entities and updating one does not update the other (this can be useful for businesses or schools that might have multiple employees that need access).

See our guide, “Invite additional users to your WP Hosting account” for more information on setting up multiple users. 

Updating account details

The details listed in the ‘Account Details‘ section are the account’s profile information, such as name (business name), address, phone, email address etc.

IMPORTANT NOTE: The details here are not the login details for the account.
Please see the “Updating the User Details” section below for information on updating that information.

To edit the Account Details;

1. From the main dashboard in your WP Hosting Client Area

  • Click the ‘Update‘ button underneath your current account information, listed on the left-hand side
  • Alternatively, click on the account name in the top-left and select ‘Account Details‘ from the drop-down menu

2. Once on the Account Details page, make any required changes to the information and then click ‘Save Changes‘ at the bottom of the page when you’re done.

Updating the user profile details

Keeping in mind that an account can have multiple authorised users, the details listed in the ‘User Details‘ section are the details of the currently logged-in user, not those of the account profile. 

Please note that these details are typically the same as those listed in the ‘Account Details’ section – but may be different depending on how you’ve set up your account.

To edit the User Details information;

1. From the main dashboard in your WP Hosting Client Area:

  • Click on the account name in the top-left and select ‘User Details‘ from the drop-down menu

2. Once on the User Details page, make any required changes to the information and then click ‘Save Changes‘ at the bottom of the page when you’re done.

Adding or updating “Account Contacts”

Account Contacts are not able to login to the account and only receive support, service, invoice emails etc. Please see our ‘users’ vs ‘contacts’ guide for more information.

An example use case of ‘Contacts’ would be if you are a business and you’d like all billing-related emails to go to your accounts team and any support-related emails to go to your IT team, etc. 

To add/edit Account Contacts;

1. From the main dashboard in your WP Hosting Client Area, click the ‘Update‘ button underneath your current account information listed on the left-hand side.

2. Then, click ‘Account Contacts‘ listed under the ‘Account’ subheading on the left.

3. If adding a new contact, select ‘Add New Contact‘ from the ‘Choose Contact’ drop-down menu, or, to modify/delete a contact select the required contact from the drop-down list.

4. Enter or update the contact details into the provided fields as required.

5. Select the email preferences for the contact, and then click ‘Save Changes

Deleting additional account contacts

1. From the main dashboard in your WP Hosting Client Area, click the ‘Update‘ button underneath your current account information listed on the left-hand side.

2. Click ‘Account Contacts‘ listed under the ‘Account’ subheading on the left.

3. Select the contact you wish to delete from the ‘Choose Contact’ drop-down menu.

4. Once selected, scroll to the bottom of the page, past the ‘Email Preferences’ and click ‘Delete Contact‘.

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