Connect a cPanel-hosted email account to Outlook
Before you get started, you’ll need to know a few pieces of information such as the email username, password and mail server address.
Email username & password
- The username is the full email address. That is everything before and after the @ symbol. e.g.
- The password would have been set when the mailbox was created in cPanel. Use this password to connect with Outlook.
If you don’t know the password or you’ve forgotten, it can be reset using this guide: How to change cPanel-hosted email address password?
Server address / Hostname
To find the server address/hostname of your cPanel hosting service;
- Login to cPanel via the WP Hosting Client Area
- Once logged in, take note of the URL in your browser’s address bar
- The hostname will be displayed in the address bar in the following format:
NOTE: In the example below, this particular hosting service is on ‘’. Be sure to take note of the address you see when logging into cPanel as yours may be different.

Configuring Outlook
Now that you have the username, password and server address, you’re ready to connect your mailbox to Outlook.
1. From the main screen, click the ‘Settings‘ button (cog/gear icon) in the top right

2. Select ‘Add account‘

3. Enter the email address (username) of the account you’d like to configure, then click ‘Continue‘

4. Enter the password for the email address and toggle the ‘Show more‘ button to reveal additional settings

5. In the ‘IMAP Incoming server‘ field, type the server address you identified earlier in the guide. ‘Port’ and ‘Secure connection type’ settings should be pre-filled, otherwise use the settings below:
- IMAP Incoming server:
- Port: 993
- Secure connection type: SSL/TLS (Recommended)
NOTE: Be sure to replace the X’s to match the server number of your hosting.

6. Type the server address into the ‘SMTP Outgoing server‘ field. ‘Port’ and ‘Secure connection type’ settings should be pre-filled, otherwise use the settings below:
- SMTP Outgoing server:
- Port: 465
- Secure connection type: SSL/TLS (Recommended)
NOTE: The IMAP (incoming mail server) and SMTP (outgoing mail server) will be the same.
7. Add your username and password into the ‘SMTP username‘ and ‘SMTP password‘ fields above the server address if they are not already pre-filled.

8. Click ‘Continue‘ when you’re done. Outlook will take a few moments to finish setting up the account before showing a “Success!” message.

You’re now ready to use Outlook to send and receive email from your cPanel-hosted email account!