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Domain passwords

also known as EPP Codes / Registry Keys

When transferring domain registrations to your WP Hosting account, you’ll need to provide the “domain password”, also known as EPP code, Domain Key, Registry Key or similar.

This code is a security measure to stop unauthorised domain transfers. 

You’ll typically find it in the domain management/domain settings section of your customer account with your current domain service provider.

If you can’t find the option, you may need to contact your current domain service provider directly.

If the domain you’d like to transfer is in the .AU namespace – that is, any domain ending in .au (.com.au, .au, .org.au, .net.au etc), please see the .AU steps below.

If you’re transferring a .AU domain

Specifically for domains in the .AU namespace, the EPP code/domain password can be retrieved directly from the Australian Domain Administration (auDA) site by visiting “pw.auda.org.au“.

Once you have your domain’s EPP code, please visit our domain registration page, wphosting.com.au/domain-names and click “search” to find your domain name.

On the next screen, under Domain Configuration;

  • Click the “Transfer Domain”  option
  • Then, ‘Add to Cart

You’ll be asked to enter the EPP code when completing the checkout process.

PLEASE NOTE: If you’re transferring a .AU domain, there is no cost involved. Other domains such as .com, will require you to renew when transferring and will be the cost of 1 year renewal.

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