How to add block/allow list for cPanel-hosted email
All of our WP Hosting web hosting packages include basic spam filtering features for cPanel-hosted email addresses.
The steps in this guide will show how to create block and/or allow lists for cPanel-hosted email addresses.
1. First, login to cPanel
2. Navigate to the ‘Spam Filters‘ tool

3. From the ‘Spam Filters‘ page, scroll down to the ‘Additional Configurations‘ section
4. Click the ‘Show Additional Configurations‘ drop-down arrow

5. Next, click the appropriate option
‘Edit Spam Whitelist Settings‘ to always allow an address
‘Edit Spam Blacklist Settings‘ to never allow an address

To add an address to the block list
1. From tthe ‘Show Additional Configurations‘ section
2. Click ‘Edit Spam Blacklist Settings‘
3. Add the email address you want to block into the ‘blacklist_from’ text box
4. Click ‘Update Blacklist (blacklist_from)‘ when you’re done

To add an address to the allow list
1. From tthe ‘Show Additional Configurations‘ section
2. Click ‘Edit Spam Whitelist Settings‘
3. Add the email address you want to allow into the ‘whitelist_from’ text box
4. Click ‘Update Whitelist (whitelist_from)‘ when you’re done