WP Hosting Blog

Best practice WordPress hosting, development and management

2019-01-10T10:55:59+00:00 January 10th, 2019|Newsroom|By WP Hosting Editor|

WordPress 5.0.3 Maintenance Release

The focus of this release is fine-tuning the new block editor, and fixing major bugs or regressions.

The releases addresses 37 bug fixes and 7 performance updates. :

  • 15 block editor related bug fixes and improvements have been added to bundled themes.
  • 2 block editor related internationalization (I18N) bugs have been fixed
  • Users with JavaScript disabled now see a notice when attempting to use the block editor.
  • A few PHP errors in the Customizer have been fixed.
  • Some issues uploading common file types, like CSVs, have been fixed.

Check WordPress’ official post for more information and a complete list of issues that have been addressed.

How to update WordPress

You will be prompted to do so when you log in your WordPress admin area. Go to: Dashboard > Updates and click Update Now.

Alternatively, if you are a developer, you can download WordPress 5.0.3 and install it manually.