WP Hosting Blog

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2018-02-08T23:28:03+00:00 June 28th, 2012|Newsroom|By WP Hosting Team|

WordCamp Sydney 2012 – We’ll Be There, Will You?

It’s here again!

If you missed out on WordCamp Gold Coast last year you’ll be glad to know that its back and this year it’s in Sydney!

WordCamp is an informal gathering of WordPress users and enthusiasts, who, like us, enjoy meeting other like-minded people.

The event boasts a range of experienced speakers, ensuring a captivated audience year in and year out.

With presentations like ‘WordPress for Noobs’ it’s an event you don’t want to miss = )

WordCamp kicks off on the 21st of July at the beautiful University of Sydney on their main Camperdown/Darlington campus and runs for two days.

Cya there!

Home of WordCamp 2012 – 2012.sydney.wordcamp.org
Session Information – 2012.sydney.wordcamp.org/sessions
Speakers – 2012.sydney.wordcamp.org/speakers
Venue – 2012.sydney.wordcamp.org/venue

WordCamp Sydney July 21-22, 2012