WP Hosting Blog

Best practice WordPress hosting, development and management

2018-02-08T23:51:25+00:00 September 29th, 2011|Newsroom|By WP Hosting Team|

WordCamp Gold Coast Gets Some WPH Love

And we’ll get some WordCamp Gold Coast love back, no doubt.

A little while back, the guys responsible for WordCamp Gold Coast (Linux Australia) contacted us to see if we’d be interested in sponsoring their upcoming event.

Well, this was a no-brainer considering we love helping the WordPress community, so we happily accepted.

The event will be held on Nov 5th and 6th 2011 at Bond University and is looking like it will be jam-packed full of awesome guest speakers, such as Troy Dean, Stephen Cronin and Dan Milward (and many more…)

We’ll have a small presence at the event, but mainly just to socialise and mingle :)

Make sure you check out the WordCamp Gold Coast website for more details!